3 Tips for Successful Digital Transformation

This Pandemic has forced all of us to adopt digital technology at a much faster rate than anyone could have ever imagined. In this post, we share some tips from our decades of experience helping people and businesses go digital.

Tip 1 : Digitize Data at the Port of Entry

Digital Business Transformation can be achieved more effectively when it is applied at the point of information arrival.

The idea behind this is to attack the problem at the root to eliminate the need to address it at various places after the fact.

When data arrives at your door steps in the forms of paper or email or in million other data formats, make sure you have a way to capture it all and push it into the organisation digitally.

It is a lot easier and cost effective getting the initial input in the right digital format. Deploying scanners, OCR, Voice to text and many other advanced cloud services including AI is available as an option. Use them all.

Tip 2: Actively Manage your Sources of Truth

Digital Transformation projects often concentrate on delivering applications. These Apps tend to redefine selected business processes. As part of the effort some key company data will get organised into databases and directories. These Sources of Truth are get created, consolidated and used but as soon as the project is completed they rarely get maintained.

It is absolutely important that these sources are actively managed to ensure the success of your Digital business Transformation.

When using Microsoft Active Directory or the Azure Active Directory as the source for approval hierarchies, contact information and org structure, the process applications works effectively as long as the data is accurate. However, over time, the user data becomes stale. The Directory does not maintain itself.

Inactive users, disabled users, people that are no longer working for the company still having user accounts left undeleted in the Directory can cause many issues. They could open up opportunities for security vulnerabilities to be exploited.

Licensing costs based on Directory account count can cost you more when accounts are not maintained accurately. One of the annoying and unproductive side effect is incorrect workflow routing and process errors.

There are simple and easy ways available to achieve a clean source of Truth.

Tip 3: Get rid of paper in all of its forms

This is easier said than done. But it has to happen. Paper use needs to stop every where. Digital transformation requires cultural change. If you have a workforce that is addicted to paper, you will need to address it for the technology transformation to have a chance to succeed.

Education is key to effect any Change. Your workforce needs to understand why and how this digital initiative is going to make them successful in the long term.

Leading by example is a must for changing deeply embedded behaviours. Recruit some strong supporters at every level of your organisation and leverage these people to help the rest of the team members and encourage the masses follow their lead.

Distribute easy to use devices like tablets to all staff. Give them access to Apps that provide information in an easy to consume format.  Support them with incentives to accelerate the adoption of a paperless workstyle.

Periodically run electronic surveys and seek feedback. Use this information to adjust your program delivery.

If you need help with your business transformation don’t hesitate to contact us for a friendly chat. transform@jeylabs.com

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