Why we invested in Natives?

jEyLaBs made a strategic decision in Feb 2012 to invest in native mobile application development. We built our teams focusing on iOS, Android, Windows and Blackberry. Many people questioned our decision around going native. Investors, Partners, Customers and our team members all had different views around the topics of going html 5 vs native apps. This discussion isn’t over yet 🙂 but, we are more than clear about our decision being right.

We saw Tim Cook announcing Apple Pay, Apple Watch and the new iOS 8 devices today. We can see how this is going to impact other players already in the wearable technology, payments, health & fitness and home automation space. This space is all about the combined power of design, device, apps and market share. Apple is making a massive move and they will succeed. Apple and others will need support from the eco system to work with them and the regulators, work against the hackers and security threats.

The innovation and competition will be intense and it will be battle fought fiercely. There will be lot less of fair play and closed platforms will dominate. This is where we see the opportunity yet again for Native apps. Our teams have massive experience across the platform stack. This unfortunately also includes the blackberry and windows space however almost all our resources have been redirected to iOS and Android space for over 18 months now.

jEyLaBs is ideally placed to leverage and innovate on the inventions made by Apple and others. We are bringing more capabilities to the space we play in the enterprise workflow scene with K2 with mobile. We have also opened up more opportunities for Mobile developers in our team recently and we are taking applications now.

If you are still mulling over the decision to go native or not, please take our lead and kick off native app initiatives. You will soon see the returns to justify you investments, just like us.

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